Keith (Southend)G wrote:
Not a flake here at Southend-on-Sea !
Keith (Southend)
"Weather Home & Abroad"
It is a bit nerve racking here I must admit. There is 5cm in East London
and 1cm here with continuous light to moderate snow. It should get to
you because it didn't start in earnest here till gone midday. It does
look though as if the heavy snow band is pivoting north rather moving
East so we might end up on the edge. Perhaps go for longevity rather
than intensity. But heh, who can complain after three good old fashioned
days of continuous blue skies and sunshine, temperatures from 1.5C to
-6.6C and now a sub zero snow fall with dry blowing snow and a LP moving
up from the S.E Sunday!
Dave, S.Essex