[OBS] Romsey - Friday 18th January 2013
Slight snow has continued through the evening, only recently
turning intermittent. Average level snow depth is held at 12cm,
parity maintained thanks to any new accumulation being offset
by almost imperceptible melting and possible compaction of
existing snow cover. A three inch long icicle dangling from the
neighbour's guttering is releasing a drip every now and again.
SYNOP 18/0850Z
03/// 41/07 91212 11001 21004 40036 57028 77377 333 43006=
SYNOP 18/1150Z
03/// 11/08 91214 11004 21007 40005 58031 6///1 77377
333 47010 96036=
SYNOP 18/1450Z
03/// 41215 81112 11002 21005 49974 56031 77377 887//
333 48011 85704 88708=
SYNOP 18/1750Z
03/// 11235 81110 10003 21003 49964 57010 6///2 77177 887//
333 10006 48012 86705 88710=
SYNOP 18/2050Z (current ob)
03/// 41357 80807 10001 21007 49958 57006 77077 886//
333 48012 86707 88710=
EG// 182050Z 08007KT 7000 -SN BKN007 OVC010 00/M01
Q//// GRN=
wind... E by N, force 3.
visibility... 7km.
weather... intermittent slight snow.
clouds... 6/8 St 700ft, 8/8 St 1000ft.
dry bulb... +0.1C.
wet bulb... -0.2C.
dew point... -0.7C.
RH... 94%.
sea level pressure... 995.8mb (falling slowly).
max temp today (0900-2100Z)... +0.3C.
fresh snowfall last hour... trace.
level snow depth... 12cm.
12 hour rainfall equivalent (0900-2100Z)... approx 7mm.
event rainfall equivalent total... approx 14mm.
beaufort letters (1950-2050Z)... csoso,ciso.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl