In article ,
Colin Youngs writes:
Op zondag 20 januari 2013 22:32:50 UTC+1 schreef Lawrence13 het volgende:
I believe Peiter Breugal was born next to the Pound Land shop
in High Street Sydenham.
Sorry, Lawrence, the Brueghels were from Brussels !
I rather think that Lawrence's tongue might have been in his cheek.
Pieter Brueghel the Elder lived and worked here in this house . You can see the metal plaque on the
wall which says so. It is now the Brueghel Museum http://www.o
m___frans_heulens/en/V/19239.html .
Pieter Brueghel the Younger, his son, was born in Brussels
For those in the UK, BBC4 has a documentary in a day or two about how
artists have been inspired by winter landscapes, which should be of
interest to many.
John Hall
"Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong."
Oscar Wilde