Schools closed
No, you're not an old fart Trevor, just complaining about the
excessive safeness of modern society. Councils are terrified
of being sued, because little Johnny suffered a bruised arm
from falling on the snow.
I'm not even sure that's the main reason, though I was shocked
to read that children aren't supposed to be allowed out to play
when there is snow.
I can see the point about needing to have enough staff to
supervise the children, but the rest of it is hot air.
I think it's this business about a school's absentee record. If
they stay open, and some children don't turn up because they
can't get there, they have to record unauthorised absences. Then
when they submit their returns, they get a black mark from
OfSted for a high rate of absenteeism. There should be some way
of getting round this, which is red tape, pure and simple.
We never missed a day at school because of snow, and we were
never, ever, driven to school, let alone in a 4x4 by a parent
who hadn't a clue how to drive on snow and ice. We walked, every
day, without exception, though admittedly is wasn't more than
hundreds of yards. There was a bus for children who lived more
than three miles from the school, and I had friends who walked
very nearly three miles each way every day, rain, shine, ice or
snow, from the age of five. These days I think transport is
provided for children who live more than one mile away.