Schools closed
On Mon, 21 Jan 2013 10:49:19 -0000, Anne Burgess wrote:
I can see the point about needing to have enough staff to
supervise the children, but the rest of it is hot air.
I agree. As kids we used to have a great time making the playground a slippy
as possible with slides...
I think it's this business about a school's absentee record.
That as you say is a paper pushers beaucrates problem and easy to solve.
These days I think transport is provided for children who live more
than one mile away.
No it's still three miles before you get the school bus (or taxi) for free.
You can live closer than three miles and still get free transport if there is
no safe walking route. Walking along a road without a pavement is not safe.
Of course these days nonbody walks further than their front door to the car.
There are kids driven to school from homes less than 400yds away from the
Cheers Dave.
Nr Garrigill, Cumbria. 421m ASL.