UKMO retreat of warm-up continues further
Bury buried in snow* and M6 brought to standstill** in snowstorms with
thaw 25/26Jan as MetO revise 'warm-up' DOWN to 'less cold', change
rain forecasts to snow and postpone general change. THIS is what
WeatherAction warned would happen.
*Observer Report in Comms below, **Sky report
Piers Corbyn said "We stated anyway this period would be 'less
cold' (than previous period) on our forecast maps first issued mid
Dec** and when MetO first talked of thaw we warned (see below) it
would not be as significant or rapid as they expected and temperatures
on each day would be revised down and the event delayed and that
anyway cold weather would return under our forecast. The event detail
is less cold than we expected in our 5 week ahead forecast but
nevertheless the timing and our warning of standard short range (MetO)
forecast errors have been well confirmed.
MetO revision of their milder expecations downwards such as this 'thaw
with snowstorns' has happened more than once this Jan and is
reminiscent of their 'Drought with floods' last Spring.
** Note our forecast graph, in error, did not reflect this, In such
situations the maps normally take precedent.