Commentators too spineless to challenge St Piers
On Tuesday, January 29, 2013 12:55:31 AM UTC, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Jan 28, 2:58*pm, Stephen Davenport wrote:
On Monday, January 28, 2013 2:51:08 PM UTC, Freddie wrote:
Hmm it's interesting how you now link to the 70hPa chart today, whereas you
linked to the 30hPa chart in your post yesterday evening. *Is this because
the 30hPa chart is showing the same downturn in temperature as was evident
on the 10hPa chart yesterday?
And shortly no doubt we'll be seeing links to 100hPa as the cooling continues to propagate downwards.
The number of people who have suddenly discovered SSW this winter is amusing.
Not 'arf it is, and not just confined to this group, which has a
regrettable tendency to be the victims of fashion. At one time it was
PVA (positive vorticity advection) but no-one mentions that now. It's
so-ooo 2008. Next up, within a few months, CAPE, the answer to
everything, but not what caused the trials and tribulations of
Boscastle, ISTR.
I still get the feeling Jim Cannon is satirising the organisation
he purports to support, not to say worship. Either way, you can't
take him seriously. I wonder if he realises this.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
Of course he is. It's a welcome diversion.