WeatherAction: Peer reviewed (Dr Dennis Wheeler) and PROVEN
On Tuesday, 29 January 2013 09:15:26 UTC, wrote:
Well I read the full article at work at the time (probably have the full
paper somewhere) and I can tell you that some of the brightest statisticians
there at the Met Office were highly sceptical of the evaluation process.
Whilst nobody could dispute Professor Wheeler's methods it was clear that he
did not appear to be in possession of the full range of forecasts one would
normally require to do a proper unbiased (in the statistical sense) study.
One is also surprised that there were no further published investigations
from that 14 years ago.
I have an electronic copy of the article from yonks ago for those interested via email.
(I don't think there should be any copyright issues here given it's public peer-reviewed research? Let me know if you think there would be a problem and I won't disseminate!)