Commentators too spineless to challenge St Piers
"Martin Brown" wrote in message
On 29/01/2013 00:55, Tudor Hughes wrote:
I still get the feeling Jim Cannon is satirising the organisation
he purports to support, not to say worship. Either way, you can't
take him seriously. I wonder if he realises this.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
I thought that it was sublime parody at first too, but now I am not so
sure. Their main website rants away in much the same fashion.
His charlatan worship is highly amusing. And at least he doesn't morph so
kill files are effective against the dross. But for the moment it is more
fun to poke him with a sharp stick from time to time.
I had him killfiled at fist, until I saw him quoted and realised
just how funny he is!
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl