January 2013 rainfall totals
"Eskimo Will" wrote in message ...
Hmmm it's interesting that I had more rainfall in a day than Moulton Seasend
had in a whole month!
Very dry in the east.
Hi, Will,
Not sure just how much notice to take of many of January's precipitation
totals. There was a lot of dry, powdery snow blowing about, especially in
the east, with consequent sublimation and drifting.
It will take some quality control by the Met O before anything is decided I
Example here, Vantage ProAWS, untouched, 63.0mm, MetO gauge melted only at
09Z, no other times, each day 80.8mm, a 30% difference. I'll be interested
to see what the Copley logger Environment Agency gauge (AWS) measured.
I think my rainfall total would have been higher still if I had melted the
contents of the funnel more often the once/day.
Raw AWS figures only with no manual backup would be very suspect imho.
during a snowy month, hence the need for careful quality control.
Or am I teaching grandmother with the eggs again!!
Best wishes,