Cor blimey... tangerine
On Mon, 04 Feb 2013 14:22:38 +0000 (GMT), Dave Liquorice wrote:
God I've just been to Tesco's for some OXO cubes and they are
completely out of stock !!!!
Just about to go to the local Co-op for the regular Monday purchase of
milk, I wonder if the bread and milk shelves will be less well stocked
than normal, they do tend to empty when the weather is likely to be
Nope fully stocked as normal, semi skimmed a bit low but that was all.
Nasty snow squall whizzed through about 1530, followed by blue sky and
sunshine (briefly) glad I wasn't out in it. Tree down partially across the
road near Leadgate.
The radar all looks a bit showery rather than prolonged ATM. So we might not
get to much tonight. But getting caught out in one wouldn't be pleasant.
Cheers Dave.
Nr Garrigill, Cumbria. 421m ASL.