SSW, Exceptional Cold Blast, Bliizzard of the Decade and so on......
On Saturday, February 9, 2013 4:49:38 PM UTC, Lawrence13 wrote:
Would you at least conceed that in the main Yahoo weather feature in that video I linked, that 'Storm of the Decade' looked a frigtening beast indeed....,if you have a morbid fear of wet snow flakes and damp roads that is.
Indeed. Why Yahoo chose to feature that particular video when there are so many others that properly represent this storm (storm of much more than a decade, I'd suggest - at least on a par with February 1978) is anybody's guess.
At that particular spot at that particular time during the early stages on the periphery of the storm near the rain/snow boundary, where roads had been treated and heavy traffic was aiding the melting process - it didn't look much. But just ten miles to the east Islip, Long Island, was reporting 15cm at 19:00 ET then 64cm at 07:00 ET - 49cm in 12 hours, and that's nowhere near the worst in the Northeast/New England.