1500z: 08004KT 12km 4ST012 8SC020 2.0/0.8 QFF 1003.7 rising.
SYNOP: 41462 80804 10020 20008 40037 51017 70152 885// 333 41997 84712
Cold and cloudy. Light drizzle fell between 1300z and 1330z, bringing the
visibility down to about 3500m. Much improvement since then, though, with
the snow-clad Wrekin just about visible through the murk. The snow
continues to thaw - down to less than 10% cover now. Top temperature so far
today is 2.0 (1458z).
Bayston Hill
102m AMSL
https://twitter.com/#!/BaystonHillWx for hourly reports