[OBS] Luton Wed 5 Jan 2005
1030z SW F2 20km 1Sc060 8AcAs150 03.6/01.4 1023.9
1200z SW F3 20km 1Sc060 3Ac120 8As170 04.9/02.0 1022.0
1500z SW F3 25km 1Cu020 7CiCs200 06.4/03.4 1019.3
RMK: Additionally scraps of high Sc and Ac
1800z SW F3-4 25km 1Sc020 6CiCs200 07.2/04.5 1017.8
RMK: Patches of high Sc and Ac. Some stars visible
2230z WSW F4 30km 2Cu010 06.3/02.2 1020.8
RMK: Cu Fra ... looks close enough to reach out and touch
Philip Eden
Luton (Round Green) 155m