This article really does make a mockery out of the ridiculous UKMO Orange Alert3 Cold weather warnungs
Here's what they warn
"Advice: Prolonged periods of cold weather can be dangerous, especially for the very young, very old or those with chronic diseases.
If you want more information about how cold weather can affect your health please visit If you are concerned about your health or somebody you care for, please contact NHS Direct on 0845 4647,"
Of course UKMO forgot to add on the last part 'please contact NHS Direct on 0845 4647' and there (my words) they will proceed to try and kill you with neglect and disease.
However I digress, the cold weather warning mentions the vulnerable like the very young.
Oh yeah try telling that to parents in Scandinavia who regularly put their babies out in prams in temperatures of -10C
It really put that whole pathetic warning system into perspective