On Saturday, 23 February 2013 11:09:51 UTC, wrote:
"Freddie" wrote in message
So who are those warnings for?
See John Hall's earlier post. You're best off asking the NHS that
question, rather than the MO.
Ah but it is a real good earner for the MetO. Health is big business not
just the warnings you see but private contracts too and MetO sales and
business staff are *very* enthusiastic as it brings the dosh in regardless
of what other people think of it. It's all about money nowadays in the MetO.
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)
I know this gets political and not purely weather but I find it very it very distasteful that UKMO takes money to spin up the caring NHS image when clearly when it comes to the elderly with no one to speak up for them ; they don't.
We know see many terrible tales of callous neglect now being exposed publicly in a great hand wringing and hand (no pun Will I'm sure your hygiene isn't in doubt)washing and that's besides the awful MRSA rates. I may have mentioned this before but in 1996 I worked on a medical ward (Strokes, diabetic wound care and other nasty things) for 18 days, The ward was Nayman at Guys hospital, the first impression when I arrived was the smell of faeces and blue bottles flying merrily around in November!. However much of our daily training sessions were about meeting cultural and religious needs with actual medical training in care and infection control taking a poor backseat. I did point out that if a patient wanted vespers than surly a church was the best place? No no and no, my attitude was anti people s religious needs. Yet the wards sluice system and sterilisation unit never worked the whole time I was there with bed pans and the like being soaked in dustbins filled with disinfectant. Of course since then the NHS infection rates soared and the patient care grew ever worse and most relatives when enquiring about loved ones would be preached to about the new buzz word confidentially or told they needed to talk to a doctor and of course phoning award to find out how someone was, was nigh impossible. I have to say many people have received fantastic treatment with the NHS but when the demands are so great and they are driven by politically correct targets then something had to give and it seems the lonely elderly took the brunt. That is why I get so irritated seeing junk on UKMO like COPCD alerts when the stark reality is hospitals for the elderly are a one way ticket.
You know year ago before all this PC smoke screen tripe people would constantly ask as to their nieghbours health and the like and when someone had gone into hospital the response usually was 'best place for them' now people say NO get them out quick!!!!!
So UKMO get public money from the NHS to help promote the NHS whilst all these scandalous stuff is still coming to light? Well that kind of makes me feel my rantings were justified after all.