On Sunday, 24 February 2013 23:58:51 UTC, Freddie wrote:
On Sun, 24 Feb 2013 15:24:21 -0800 (PST), Lawrence13
They are just advisory, for information,
they are not an order. If they are not useful to you then ignore
Because for the majority of areas they are not true. I can't help
it, must be my upringing but I really hate fibs.
Read the criteria for the warnings (not defined by the Meto by the
way) and you will see that they are being met - hence the Meto has
no choice but to issue the warning.
Like John said - if they're not useful to you, ignore them.
Bayston Hill
102m AMSL
https://twitter.com/#!/BaystonHillWx for hourly reports
One more thing: despite what John says UKMO wouldn't have issued such OTT warnings thirty odd years ago and therefore there would have been nothing to ignore. Please just ignore this if you don't agree.