Orange Cold Weather Alert 3 -Time to Put the Babies Out To Enjoy the Conditions
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Lawrence13 writes:
On Saturday, 23 February 2013 23:35:56 UTC, Adam Lea wrote:
Agreed. I really don't understand why some people get so hot and
bothered about the warnings. They are just advisory, for information,
they are not an order. If they are not useful to you then ignore them,
but that then doesn't mean they won't be useful to anyone else.
Because for the majority of areas they are not true. I can't help it,
must be my upringing but I really hate fibs.
But in a lot of cases you seem to have complained about warnings which,
when you check which areas they are for, turn out not to be for the SE
at all. Don't assume that, because one of the icons on the SE forecast
page is shown as other than green, that the warning actually applies to
the SE. Confusingly those icons are coloured non-green when there's a
warning in force for anywhere in the UK, and you have to click on the
icon before you can actually see where in the UK is affected.
John Hall
"Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong."
Oscar Wilde