Weather extremes caused by gloal warming
On Feb 27, 4:56*pm, "Eskimo Will" wrote:
"Lawrence13" wrote in message
On Wednesday, 27 February 2013 10:45:31 UTC,
Of course Will, I have to concede to your superior meteorological knowledge
in that you feel AGW is causing changes in the weather patterns and
therefore weather extremes as Alastair pointed out in his initial post.
Not AGW Lawrence but Climate Change (there is a difference).
All the paper is saying is that weather types are persisting longer in any
one spot, and I was agreeing with that.
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)
This can be interpreted quite simply as saying that there is
more blocking. I don't get the impression that blocking in longitudes
near the UK is any more frequent than it was but if someone can prove
quantitavely that there has been I would concede the point.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.