Wanstead, Winter 12/13
Scott W wrote:
This is my first AWS logged winter - so have nothing to compare averages to. Was this an "average" winter? Or was it "slightly cold"?
Summary for period 02/12/2012 to 01/03/2013
Temperature (°C):
Mean (1 minute) 4.5
Mean (min+max) 4.2
Mean Minimum 1.6
Mean Maximum 6.9
Minimum -7.0 on 16/01/2013
Maximum 13.7 on 29/01/2013
Highest Minimum 9.6 on 03/01/2013
Lowest Maximum -0.6 on 16/01/2013
Air frosts 32
Rainfall (mm):
Total for period 152.2
Wettest day 18.3 on 19/12/2012
High rain rate 18.0 day 24/12/2012
Rain days 51
Wind (mph):
Highest Gust 28.2 on 30/01/2013
Average Speed 3.5
Wind Run 7529.0 miles
Gale days 0
Pressure (mb):
Maximum 1036.2 on 04/01/2013
Minimum 973.6 on 14/12/2012
Days with snow falling 16
Days with snow lying at 0900 8
Well yours is very similar to mine. It was on the cold side of average I
would say. The thing was though there were no extremes of cold, it
actually was average! For me no maxima below zero and the lowest minimum
of -6.0 was nothing special in any winter. Maximum snow depth was only
8cm and that was shortlived, reducing daily to zero in a week.
Your mean max is 0.8C below 1981-2010 average for Hornchurch, and actual
mean (Min+max) is 0.5C down. Rainfall about +10%.