Eurasian cold vastly dwarfed Australia heat
so why does BBC go on and on about Australia. Answer: IT FITS THEIR WARMIST AGENDA
BOB M, CARL YES BOB it is that Little (Mini) Ice Age thing as we have explained many times, we predicted CONTRASTS & EXTREMES (including warming in places) due to Jet stream sticking in an overall cooling trend. That is as observed in both dramatic contrasts & overall cooling. The last three months make it clear as well as the criminal brainwashing bias of the BBC. Australia was hot compared with normal while Asia and most of Europe were ASTOUNDINGLY COLD. Asia is 5.8 times the area of Australia and EurAsia is 7.1 times.. The BBC blathered on and on about Australian heat but largely ignored Asian cold even though Eurasian cold vastly dwarfed Australia heat. In overall terms the world showed cooling and has been trending down for years. == GILL YES, tell 'em - Subscribe now for MARCH forecast extended to April 1st to give Easter too AND for 6m or 12m of forecast service you get Special Offer even bigger reductions now. Individuls can share costs in groups of 4. Thanks Piers