On 06/03/2013 12:54, Paul Crabtree wrote:
I have been contacted by a friend of mine living in Stainmore 1400ft up in the Cumbrian Pennines. This morning he has found some ice chards in his garden and would like to know where they may have come from. He lives in a remote area, there are no wires or any tall structures for miles around. I thought it may be either rime falling off something or from an aircraft ?
Any thoughts
many thanks
Paul Crabtree
Brampton, Cumbria
Those are exactly the same as we had round here during the very cold
weather a few weeks ago. (I think I posted on here about them.) They
were under the trees and bushes on the footpath down to the park, and
had fallen off the branches during a slight thaw and re-freeze earlier
in the day.
Other than that, anybody's guess.
jim, Northampton