Another Radio 4 rant
On 09/03/2013 01:59, Tudor Hughes wrote:
I see Tomas Schaffernaker is back. His latest effort (R4, 5.58
pm) was the usual compendium of chaos, jumping all over the place like
a demented grasshopper and the normal incompetent delivery with pauses
all in the wrong places. Some of it was seriously misleading.
For the BBC the weather forecast is just a nuisance, to be
compressed beyond usefulness and to be got out of the way a quickly as
possible so as to make way for really important stuff such as trailers
and listeners' emails. An additional feature this week has been that
the forecaster has had to provide a local forecast for someone who has
emailed in saying they are getting married/going to a rugby match/
holding a tortoise-polishing competition etc etc. Hey, what fun!
It's quite clear from the forecaster's delivery what he or she thinks
of this nonsense and it eats into the time available for the proper
This is weather forecasts as entertainment, something that in
the past would be associated with a down-market TV channel. Radio 4
ought to be ashamed of itself.
The Met Office doesn't give a toss; at least there is no
evidence known to me that they do - they are simply no longer required
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
Couldn't agree more Tudor - it is now delivered at such a gabble that
you have to listen intently just to pick up a few details - appalling
stuff now.
No cheers