On 11/03/2013 17:44, Len Wood wrote:
Despite the amber warning of snow, woke up to a Spring Clean job this
Just a dusting.
Nothing here, not even a dusting. All surfaces bone-dry and
snow/precipitation free.
A maximum of just 3.4°C here today, that's the coldest March day I've
recorded by miles (since my records began in 2005).
The Davis weather thingy is telling me it is now 'Uncomfortably Cold'.
With a brisk NE wind and an extremely low DP (almost record) with a
temperature of -0.8°C, I couldn't agree more.
(20:30), -0.8°C, RH 66%, DP -6.6°C, 1007 hPa (R), Wind 13 mph NE.
Nick G
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl