"Adam Lea" wrote in message
On 16/03/13 08:25, Eskimo Will wrote:
ECMWF and now GFS quite bullish about possibility of blizzards next
weekend over northern England as fronts push north into -5C to -10C air
at 850 hPa. Strong easterly winds. UKMO much less keen but ECM ensembles
quite solid for two runs now. Interesting mild/very cold battleground
coming up I reckon, but where will it be? Southern England, northern
England, Scotland?
Gobsmacking too how GFS keeps the polar jet running way south into North
Africa right into April, not good news for our farmers who could be
really struggling in a week or two :-(
I guess this wasn't a good time to take on an allotment then?
Adam you may wish to consider fleecing it or using glass to warm up the
soil. Soil temperatures are very low at present. Mine are still just 3-4C at
30cm and lower at times near the surface. Not even the grass is growing yet.
Haven't sown a single seed so far (normally at least have my parsnips in by
now which will germinate at 5C). Will put some veg seeds in a cloche next
week and pray. Outside sowing will not start until mid-April or even May at
this rate and could be another very bad year if we get a cloudy cool and wet
summer again. YMMV of course! I'm also investing in a big greenhouse which I
reckon will bear fruit (literally!) in the next few years.
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)