Blizzards next weekend?
On Saturday, March 16, 2013 8:52:49 AM UTC, Col wrote:
"Eskimo Will" wrote in message
ECMWF and now GFS quite bullish about possibility of blizzards next
weekend over northern England as fronts push north into -5C to -10C air at
850 hPa. Strong easterly winds. UKMO much less keen but ECM ensembles
quite solid for two runs now. Interesting mild/very cold battleground
coming up I reckon, but where will it be? Southern England, northern
England, Scotland?
Gobsmacking too how GFS keeps the polar jet running way south into North
Africa right into April, not good news for our farmers who could be really
struggling in a week or two :-(
Oh for heaven's sake, enough is enough!
Meteorologically interesting of course but that would be
late March, it's been cold for so long, where's spring??
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Not there at all Col. There's been nothing to suggest it and all we can be hopeful for is a nicer day, or two this week.
Will is ramping, as he always does, the possibility of the most extreme snow conditions he can. We've had so many posts this and in other winters from him about Dartmoor (and other) blizzards, that I think we all know it's silly, but he'll get it right once - the law of averages will kick in.