You've hit the nail on the head Alan. It's a continuation of large
institutions like insurance companies shirking their responsibilities
by adding a lovely "cop-out" clause. Just think how many insurance
claims they will try to invalidate. The same mentality that has made
the School's close at the smallest sniff of ice, that may get them
sued if little Johnny falls over in the playground. I've read the full
IEE regs on this one and I guess it does try to expose the cowboys,
but by joe is someone gonna make a lotta doe at El Banco!
Keith (Southend)
Weather Home & Abroad
On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 14:06:26 -0000, "Alan Gardiner"
The answer is to continue to do all electrical work yourself and only
worry about getting it certified IF you sell your house. Then you need
only pay the charge once.
You might be invalidating your house insurance.