The Mini Ice Age has arrived
On Saturday, March 23, 2013 8:24:37 AM UTC, Adam Lea wrote:
On 22/03/13 22:11, Lawrence13 wrote:
I'm sitting here typing in SE London with two pullovers on...
And this time last year I was happily wandering around outside in a T
shirt. Your point being?
Why is everyone getting so worked up about this? Have we never experienced snow in March before?
I have photos somewhere of 4 inches of snow in my garden almost covering the flowering tulips. That must have been well into April. The photos were taken sometime in the 1990s but I don't remember the whole country descending into a panic then.
Neither do I remember too much panic when snow covered the cricket pitch in Buxton on 2nd June 1975 and the midday temp at Colchester was 2C.
Maybe you are all watching too many news bulletins from the hysterical TV presenters, and these have rotted the memory?