Snowiest winter since 1978/79
Hi, All,
Precious little else to do today as I'm snowed in yet again, so I've trawled
through the snow record.
This winter has now had the greatest fresh falls at 09Z in this area since
1978/79, depths in cm:- (Hope the figures come out OK.)
Month // 2012/13 // 1978/79
Oct // 12 // 0
Nov // 0 // 1
Dec // 16 // 32
Jan // 57 // 56
Feb // 46 // 28
March // 45 // 82
April // ?? // 3
Totals 2012/13 so far 176cm
1978/79 202cm
Winter 1978/79 was recorded at nearby Low Etherley (155 metres asl), 24 year
average 76cm fresh falls
Winter 2012/13 at Copley (253m asl) 18 year average 84cm fresh falls.
Note the very high March 1979 total, almost double this year's!
Hope it's of interest,
Best wishes,