The Mini Ice Age has arrived
"Lawrence13" wrote:
Look Togless I apologise for the aggressive tone but this
global warming tripe just never stops. We've been told by
UKMO no less , over the years to expect milder winters ,
snow and ice to be a rarer occurrence, spring to get earlier
and earlier, summers to be blisteringly hot and very dry but
also very wet and now since the late 2000's we find cool wet
summer dry winter, wet winters, snow that we supposed to
never see again, retarded springs and so on with no clear
AGW pattern whatsoever and that just isn't the UK with
Germany and parts of Europe , the old USSR and USA plus
other countries having dry and wet but importantly cold
winters but still it goes on and on and on.
No need to apologise at all, I always enjoy your comments. The models have
been getting the broad global warming trend right for over 30 years now, but
regional and short term changes are obviously much harder to predict. I
don't envy the scientists who have to try to figure out what the effects
will be on one little island off the north west coast of Europe. Maybe the
best answer is that we just need to be resilient, whatever gets thrown at