On Sunday, March 24, 2013 9:46:35 AM UTC, John Hall wrote:
In article ,
Mystic Piers writes:
so says the Canada Free Press
I think the warming in at least the British climate in recent decades is
well shown by the annual CET temperature. If you look at the figures for
each decade as given on Philip Eden's site at
you find:
Decade Years 10C Years 10C or above
1971-80 8 2
1081-90 7 3
1991-2000 4 6
2001-10 2 8
It's true that 2010 was an unusually cold year (mainly due to a cold
January and February and a very cold December) and that 2012 was also
cold, but that's far too small a sample to draw any conclusions from. In
any case 2011 was a very warm year, second only to 2006 since 1971.
John Hall
"Madam, you have between your legs an instrument capable
of giving pleasure to thousands and all you can do is scratch it."
Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961) to a lady cellist
A decadal analysis shows UK warming very well. I used to describe it as UKGW - the UK will warm, as the rest of the planet is, but in it's own little way.