Is there any sign?
In message , zaax
On Monday, March 25, 2013 2:07:34 PM UTC, BK wrote:
Of this depressing cold rubbish ending? I would even settle for damp,
windy and mild rather than this horris situation were stuck in at the
moment. Time for another break a long way south I reckon. Rob
If as the metoffice says if this block stays on until Mid May we will
be in for a continental summer, that is 30C+, where the sea has little
effect on our weather and the weather will be blown from the hot
continental Europe.
Slight snag with that scenario I'd say, wonderful though it is to
contemplate. By May the jet will have ventured just far enough north to
swing in directly over these isles bringing with it prolonged spells of
wind and rain.
Sorry for the spoiler.