Is there any sign?
On Monday, March 25, 2013 2:07:34 PM UTC, BK wrote:
Of this depressing cold rubbish ending?
I would even settle for damp, windy and mild rather than this horris
situation were stuck in at the moment.
I reckon that once we can get rid of the strong Easterly, we will also get rid of the majority of the low cloud.
Yes, that does mean sharp night frosts, but at least some sunshine during the day should cheer people up.
It is not so much the cold winds that depress me, but the constant whining of people about the weather (which seems to have become much worse over the last eighteen months).
It is almost as if people do really believe that repetitive moaning will actually force the weather to change; which is somewhat ironic given that many people believe that it is our love affair with our cosy air-conditioned cars, offices and centrally heated homes that might have caused these severe weather events in the first place.