On 29/03/2013 10:16, Steve Jackson wrote:
On Friday, March 29, 2013 12:54:30 AM UTC, Lawrence13 wrote:
"A few weeks ago, scientists at the University of Washington found that man’s contribution to global warming may have been exaggerated – by a factor of two. The natural cycle of heating and cooling, they discovered, plays a far bigger role than they had imagined."
As neither a denier, nor an alarmist, I found this research interesting, and would be interested as a teacher to read more about it. Anyone have a link?
I think it's this one:
"After reviewing evidence in both the latest global data (HadCRUT4) and
the longest instrumental record, Central England Temperature, a revised
picture is emerging that gives a consistent attribution for each
multidecadal episode of warming and cooling in recent history, and
suggests that the anthropogenic global warming trends might have been
overestimated by a factor of two in the second half of the 20th century."
Looks like you will need to pay for the full article though.
Brian W Lawrence