In article ,
Teignmouth writes:
Never say never John, it has a habit of coming back to bite you on the bum.
That's why I said "not likely" rather than "never".
There's nothing to say that we won't experience another winter
like that of 1962-3 in the next 20 years or so,
But since it was the coldest winter for over 200 years it must be very
or another summer like that of 1976.
Though that was arguably even more extreme, I think the degree of
warming since the 1970s makes a repeat rather less unlikely than a
repeat of 1962-3 would be.
John Hall
"Madam, you have between your legs an instrument capable
of giving pleasure to thousands and all you can do is scratch it."
Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961) to a lady cellist