A bad feeling...
In article ,
Lawrence13 writes:
On Friday, 29 March 2013 19:25:32 UTC, John Hall wrote:
In article ,
Lawrence13 writes:
This is what I mean by saying those who feel the climate before
the industrial revolution was wonderful that are clearly nuts.
It's clear that the "Little Ice Age" was no fun to live through. But you
seem to be tilting at straw men, as I've never seen anyone suggest that
the climate at that time was wonderful.
Oh John oh John. So what climate should we be striving for?
What we have now or marginally cooler, with the emphasis on the
"marginally". But that's not likely to happen. If change is slow enough,
then there's time to adjust to it, and we can probably cope. The worry
is that over the coming decades warming may be too fast for that.
John Hall
"Madam, you have between your legs an instrument capable
of giving pleasure to thousands and all you can do is scratch it."
Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961) to a lady cellist