Expectations too high?
Nick wrote:
The problem IMO with the current setup in the S and SE at least is the
persistent dullness, combined with the spartan and sterile look of the
countryside compared to normal. Tuesday was actually nice - sunny all
day - but it only lasted one day.
I'll take anything which means brighter conditions, even if it comes
with showers - though dull, cyclonic gloom would I suspect be even
worse than we have now.
At least I've got the sunshine up here, max of 7.8°C here today.
In the sun and out of the wind, that feels OK. It *is* only early
April of course.
It's also very dry here. At first I thought the grass just had that
pale and washed out look you normally get at the end of winter
but it has now taken on something of a 'parched' appearance
normally associated with a long dry spell in summer.
Don't know whether it's the cold or the dry that's doing this,
probably a bit of both. The last precipitation of any note
was 22nd/23rd march which gave 14cm snowfall and if we
equate that to 14mm rain that's a resonable fall. I just wonder
how much of that actually made it's way into the ground. I reckon
quite a lot simply evaporated in the sun and the drying winds.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl