Eskimo Will wrote:
Yes you are probably right Col. It certainly makes sense.
We do tend to get a lot more rain though I think and from time to
time some very heavy snowfalls (above 20cm) and loads of tiddly ones
(1cm or less). Do you get a lot of hill fog in SW'lies?
I don't keep rainfall records but I think you must get considerably
more rain than me. Snowfall seems similar, well over the past few
winters at least. Many 'minor' falls interspersed with some notable
ones. This gives me a good excuse to promote my YouTube snow
videos again
Fog however, isn't similar. Don't seem to get a lot of it here.
I've always considered myself in the 'middle' zone that's too high
for radation fog, yet too low for hill fog.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl