[WR] Shiremoor - 5 miles NNE of Newcastle upon Tyne. 65m ASL
Winds started to pick up at around 4.30am and continued to increase
throughout the morning.
Now at 0739 I have ventured outside to see what damage is being caused and
had to come in again as I was genuinely frightened by the strength of the
I live in a new house, just built and consequently there are a number of
partly built properties with scaffolding that seems to be on the point of
The noise is unbelievable. As our house faces onto a large field to the
west, there is nothing to buffer the ever increasing gusts, and without
trying to be dramatic, I'm starting to wonder about the integrity of the
patio windows.
Rain started about half an hour ago and is coming in horizontally.
Current temp is 5.1 DegC, pressure 968 and still falling.
No trees in the immediate vicinity, but when it gets light I feel there will
be some messed up roads.
News bulletin on the radio is telling me the worst is yet to come - due to
peak mid morning so all trips are off from here.
We've had enough bad news recently, so I hope this fascinating but dangerous
weather passes without incident.
[Shiremoor - 5 miles NNE of Newcastle upon Tyne. 65m ASL]