On Sat, 13 Apr 2013, Lawrence13 wrote
On Saturday, 13 April 2013 22:37:09 UTC+1, Kate Brown wrote:
snip dozens of empty and half-empty lines badly configured by Google
Lawrence, you need to untick that box in Google Groups that also sends
this as email.... 
Kate B
PS nospam means nospam. But umra at cockaigne dot org dot uk will get
No problem Kate but ever since I moved for OE to google groups I
haven't touched any settings and just presumed things were okay. Where
is that setting?
I don't know, because I never use the blighter. But I do know that it
never snips (thus producing huge long strings of irrelevancies), mangles
posts (as it's mangled the one you sent), and unless you keep an eye on
it (because it alters settings without your permission), starts sending
copies of posts as emails to the poster you're replying to.
Which all means that any sensible matter in the post gets submerged
under miscellaneous crap....
PS High of 20.8 here this afternoon!
Kate B
PS nospam means nospam. But umra at cockaigne dot org dot uk will get through!