Your Climate Change Petition
On Thursday, 18 April 2013 09:56:00 UTC+1, Buchan Meteo wrote:
rangab.myneni scrive:
The President talks about it. The Pope talks about it. The Scientists
talk about it. The journalists write about it. IPCC issues bulky reports
about it. But, nothing happens. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING!
Like eradicating two thirds of the human population? That might have some
effect. Nothing else will.
Peterhead, Scotland
As Bill Bryson pointed out that if we looked a an atlas of the earth, all life as we know it would exist in the layer of varnish that was applied t give it a durable shine. Human cannot ruin the whole planet we are nothing in relative size and are basically the level of microbes on the skin.
It really is that scale .