Your Climate Change Petition
On Saturday, 20 April 2013 09:39:38 UTC+1, Buchan Meteo wrote:
Lawrence13 scrive:
As Bill Bryson pointed out that if we looked a an atlas of the earth,
all life as we know it would exist in the layer of varnish that was
applied t give it a durable shine. Human cannot ruin the whole planet
we are nothing in relative size and are basically the level of
microbes on the skin.
It really is that scale .
Yes dear. You should try not to assume that every single thing I say is a
serious comment, especially if it involves mass killings (:
I have a sense of humour you know.
Typing of which, when are you coming to see me? I gave the lasagne to
next door's cat.
Who or what is Bill Bryson?
Typing of which, I got 3 new CDs ... Emmanuela Marrone ... oft known as
Emma. Oh my, I've gone all modern!
Hazy sunshine today ... warm ... but I have to work.
Peterhead, Scotland
Gianna do you ever come down to London?