[OT] The state we are in
On Monday, 22 April 2013 08:52:57 UTC+12, Lawrence13 wrote:
The Antarctic sea ice still growing-due to warming Arctic sea ice returning Snow once a thing of the past is now driving people in Russia, Europe and the USA nuts. Temperatures have stopped rising These are not signs of a runaway greenhouse effect are they. Also why so insulting with the names.
Just to respond to a couple of your points Lawrence: Temperatures have not stopped rising - that's a standard piece of denier disinformation.
The matter of Antarctic sea ice (and the continuing large loss of landmass ice there) has been well-covered already. You can find detailed expositions in either of the sites I provided links for, why not go and read them. Ditto re Arctic ice.
Carter {and Lindzen in his less recent times (but he is quieter now that his prognostications have been so unsuccessful)} has been extremely impolite to climate scientists and has earned no kid-glove treatment. His output is a mixture of confusion, illogic and downright falsehoods.