On 22/04/2013 11:25, Bertie Doe wrote:
Is there a rule of thumb for wind veering or backing with height? Reason
I ask: I often see actual wind say, bonfire smoke to differ by 60
degrees, with cloud-over-ground movement? TIA.
In general wind veers and increases with height. Memories of fretting
over this on airfield layout for glider winching.
UKMO F214 spot wind forecast E.Anglia pm today gives 1000'
230/25knots, 2000' 240/30knots all the way up to 18000' 310/45knots.
Another useful source
http://rasp.inn.leedsmet.ac.uk/RASPt...SPtableGM.html where
you'll have to select 'soundings' from LH window, select the one you
want and see the wind speed and directions displayed on right of graph.
George in Epping, west Essex, 350'asl