On 26/04/2013 20:08, Graham Easterling wrote:
On Friday, April 26, 2013 7:25:24 PM UTC+1, Andy Page wrote:
A lot of whitish dust deposits on the car this morning after the light rain
of last night - typical after washing it yesterday! Anyone else notice
anything? No obvious dust plume upwind on MSG dust imagery in the last few
Romansleigh, North Devon
I noticed that, it was so white I thought it was just salt. We get a lot a sea salt deposits here (I'm forever washing it off the windows!)
Is it possible the sea salt was taken into the warm sector mist/low cloud
& then deposited out?
I suspect it is airborne pollen from conifers. It is the Japanese
hayfever season in spring due to forests of cryptomeria. It lays down
thick pollen even in quite urban areas if conditions are right.
The recent warm spell seems to have woken up lots of peacock butterflies
although the wind didn't seem strong enough last night for airborne
pollenation to be very active. Hailstones falling tonight.
Martin Brown