The forecast SW gales for the 9th didn't materialise, in fact I couldn't find anywhere that topped gale force that day, though I suspect some westernmost cliff tops might have scraped a F8. In Penzance even the maximum gust was only 38mph, much as the 36mph recorded on 11th. Culdrose just topped 50mph
Different story evolving today.
13:00 40mph S
15:20 12mph NW
16:20 44mph NW
and those are mean speeds, so we really are talking a gale for a change.
MetO is currently predicting gusts of 81mph fot St. Ives @ 19:00 , hopefully that's a slight overestimate, but worth watching.
The eye of the storm has given some recent sunshine, and shows up well on (15:00 & 16:00 images)
Some interesting weather.