What would be your best and worst summer if you could selectindividual months?
On 14/05/13 18:16, Nick Gardner wrote:
On 14/05/2013 08:22, Adam Lea wrote:
If you could go back through the summer months within your memory and
select individual months (June, July and August) to put together a best
and worst summer ever, what would they be? In other words, what is the
best/worst June, best/worst July, best/worst August you can remember?
From memory.....
June 2010, July 2006, August 2005.
June 2012, July 2009, August 2008.
I remember June 1989, July 1995 & August 1995 as being good; June 1997,
July 1993 & August 2000 as being pretty bad but that is so long ago I
cannot be sure without actually looking at real data.
I was at Reading Uni in 1997 and can distinctly remember June 1997 and
June 1998 being particularly bad.