On Wed, 22 May 2013 14:02:36 +0100 (BST), "Dave Liquorice"
My real comment was about the rather rapid drop of 8 C or so that I
match up with anything on the charts.
There was a convergence zone lying down the Pennines yesterday. I
think you saw a sudden transition from air warmed overland up until
1500, replaced by cooler air chilled by the North Sea as the
convergence zone drifted west under the greater density of the North
Sea air. Not a classic Norwegian cold front, but certainly not
uncommon. You won't see it on a weather chart for two reasons - the
presenters tend to concentrate on and show active weather-bearing
fronts; and they are leery about displaying convergence zones because
they "don't want to confuse viewers".
Bayston Hill
102m AMSL
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