Is it me ?
On Friday, 24 May 2013 23:17:02 UTC+1, jbm wrote:
On 24/05/2013 22:22, Lawrence13 wrote:
London is the ......... and most important city in the UK
That is most certainly arguably down to personal opinion.
In my opinion it is a **** hole that deserves to disappear under a
mushroom cloud, together with the self-centred, egotistic morons that
populate it.
jim, Northampton
I was only leg pulling anyhow. I couldn't care less about London and in a couple of years I'll be gone. Nice memories but not the same place as when I were kid. Jim you need to leave it out, calm down 'ave a nice plate of jellied eels, some pie 'n' mash and settle down me old cocksparrah. When you feel such anger again, count the buttons and pearls on your 'Lambeth Walk outfit, coat and trousers.