Is it me ?
On Saturday, 25 May 2013 08:03:18 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
On Saturday, May 25, 2013 12:27:42 AM UTC+1, Adam Lea wrote:
On 24/05/13 23:17, jbm wrote:
On 24/05/2013 22:22, Lawrence13 wrote:
London is the ......... and most important city in the UK
That is most certainly arguably down to personal opinion.
In my opinion it is a **** hole that deserves to disappear under a
mushroom cloud, together with the self-centred, egotistic morons that
populate it.
jim, Northampton
*sigh*. I kind of hoped that on a scientific newsgroup people would have
more intelligence than to resort to ridiculous negative sweeping
generalisations such as this, but there you go. Very disappointing.
It's Larry all over. riddled with prejudice and running from all sorts in his past.
He's running from a bunch of other threads too. To which he's imparted other facets of his wisdom..........
Well I was just winding the ante up as I do get annoyed by people who always raise this same argument. I watched Carol Driftwood the other day talking about rain in the Grampians or something and equally thought that was just PC old tosh. Honestly does it matter; we have literally wall to wall access to weather now , not like 490 years ago when you had three TV channels, radio and newspapers and then our appetite for all weather things was never sated and I bet like me many kept news paper clippings and weather reports..
So there's so much weather now it's almost meaningless being devalued by over exposure.
As for you Garvey: Only you would see a man swear and another man stab somebody and then only report the one that swore because you didn't like him.
As I was waving a deliberate red flag, let me ask you. Do you also think London should disappear under a mushroom cloud?